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The Best Moms in Literary Fiction


With Mother's Day just around the corner, we have been thinking a lot about moms!

Our own mothers, our grandmothers, the women who influenced us, and the women who acted as our mother figures.

We've also given a lot of thought to the amazing women from literature who, in their own way, helped form us too!

Here is an ever growing list of amazing mother figures in literature and why we love them:

1. Mrs. Frisby - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Though she be but little, she is fierce! Mrs. Frisby made our list of wonderful mothers for her unyielding courage and drive to protect, provide, and nurture her family.

2. Marmee (or Margaret) March - Little Women

Marmee is the heart, the soul, and the back bone of her family. Not only is she running her household full of emotional, prepubescent girls while her husband is away at war... She is also finding time to volunteer and help within her community during wartime strife. She is generous, kind, smart, caring, and fiercely proud of her girls.

3. Marilla Cuthbert - Anne of Green Gables

Marilla is a severe, hardworking, and practical woman. She opens her home to Anne and, in time, she also opens her heart. She gives Anne a structured, safe, and comfortable home to grow up in. Though she is not biologically related to her, she becomes one of Anne's biggest influences.

4. Miss Honey - Matilda

Teachers are such important people in our children's lives. They can make the biggest difference just by showing up and being present every day. Miss Honey is a hero in her own story and in Matilda's. From the beginning, Miss Honey fosters Matilda's genius and encourages her to be the best version of herself that she can be. She loves Matilda, whole heartedly, and becomes the mother Matilda always dreamed of having.

5. Mom - Love You Forever

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you'll be."

Those words say it all right there. This mother is every mother. Every person who has let a child into their hearts can understand the unyielding, unending, unconditional love that pours from Mom in this book. From the first page to the last, her love is felt on every page of the classic story.

Did your favorite literary mother make it onto our list? Did we miss someone? Leave us a comment and let us know who your favorite literary mother is!

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