2024 was... A mild year of reading for us. Not bad in any way, but also not great. As you have come to know us through th blog, we are all avid readers and usually read anywhere from 20-50 books each per year. Every time we chatted books and what we were currently reading, all three of us had the same feeling... The books we were reading were good... Not great.
There wasn't a book that stuck out to any of us this year that changed our lives, that we had to run out and immediately buy the sequel, or that made it into our all time favorites category. Honestly... It was a little hard to choose favorites!
Hopefully as we move into 2025 that will change! Until we find that next great book, here are our top reads of 2024!
Cherish's Top Five
The Wolf Den series
The Last Devil to Die
The God fo the Woods
The Last Witch of Scotland
Lacy's Top Five
Margo's Got Money Troubles
Crying in H Mart
The Reformatory
Small Talk: 10 ADHD lies and how to stop believing them
Kaity's Top Two
What were your favorite books of 2024? Did any of these books make it onto your favorite books of all time list? What are your reading goals for 2025?